Ruth Lunn Psychotherapy Devizes and Swindon, Wiltshire

Confidentiality. only way out is through small


The General Data Protection Regulations classify me as a data controller and require me to tell you how I protect your data. In the process of undertaking psychotherapy sessions, some of your personal data will be stored and processed. This document is provided to create transparency regarding how I use your data, where I keep it and what I do with it. For more information please refer to the EU GDPR website:

I keep your initials and telephone number stored on my work mobile phone which is password protected. Your email address is stored on my computer, in my emailing system, both of which are password protected. I keep a copy of our contract with your email address and telephone number in a locked filing cabinet.

In the event of my death or incapacity, this record will be available to a colleague who is the executor of my professional Will. This access will allow my executor to contact you to inform you of this matter.

I also keep a brief factual record of each psychotherapy session, identified by your initials and date of session. This information is stored on a paper record and kept securely locked in my office. These notes will be kept for 7 years after your therapy finishes, which is required by my insurance and then they will be shredded.

Any emails detailing the practical arrangements of our sessions will be deleted after reading. Any other emails relating to your therapy content will be kept for 7 years in line with my insurance and then deleted completely.

I will not share information with a third party unless you request that I do so in writing. There are two exceptions to this and, in both instances, I would aim to discuss it with you first:

In the unlikely event that I am required to by law.

If you or anybody else is at risk of serious harm.

You may make a Subject Access Request to access your personal data, which I would need to respond to within 30 days.

If you have any questions I invite you to discuss them with me.


Once we have decided to work together I will ask you to sign a 'Confidentiality Form'. As a student I am required to discuss my work with my Supervisor, Tutors and colleagues and during these discussions your identity will remain undisclosed. The purpose of my engaging with their support is to try and ensure the highest standards of professionalism and care in my work with you.

I am also required to make presentations, write essays and provide case studies. In all of these areas your identity will be protected.

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